Saturday, 31 October 2015

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is a series of four adjacent islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this cluster are under Raja Ampat, West Papua province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. The four islands that are members named by the four biggest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, salawati and Batanta Island.
image : Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat community

Raja Ampat Islands society generally traditional fishermen who live in small villages are located far apart and different islands. They are friendly people who receive visitors from outside, especially if we bring a souvenir for them in the form of nut or candy. This item becomes a sort of 'peace pipe indian' in Raja Ampat. The event chatting with eating nut called "Para-para Pinang" often take turns throwing each other mob, the local term for funny stories.

They are Muslims and Christians, and often within a family or clan are members embraced one of the two religions. It makes the people of Raja Ampat remain in harmony despite different beliefs.
image : Fisherman

Wealth of natural resources

Raja Ampat Islands is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially tourist dives. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at the moment.

Dr. John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site it is revealed, the Raja Ampat Islands located at the westernmost tip of the island of Papua, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, has the best coral regions in Indonesia. About 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in that area.

image : Coral reefs


Visiting these islands is not too difficult if it takes time and considerable cost. We can use the airline from Jakarta or Bali to Sorong via Makassar and Ambon and Manado for approximately 6 hours of flight. From Sorong, a fairly large city with quite complete facilities. To explore the Raja Ampat there are two choices, take a tour by boat Phinisi or stay at the resort Raja Ampat Dive Lodge. Even though most of the tourists who come to Raja Ampat is currently the divers, in fact the location is attractive also for non tourist divers because it also has sandy beaches and white is very beautiful, a cluster of islands karst nan stunning and flora and fauna unique endemic like paradise red, bird of paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids.


To preserve the underwater Raja Ampat Islands, conservation efforts are needed in this area. There are two international organizations that concern about the preservation of natural resources Raja Ampat, namely CI (Conservation International) and TNC (The Nature Conservancy). The Government has set itself the seas around South Waigeo, which includes the small islands such as Gam, Mansuar, groups and group Yeben Trunk Pele, has been approved as a Marine Sanctuary. According to the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 81 / KptsII / 1993, the total area is 60,000 hectares.

In addition, some other marine areas have been proposed to be a conservation area. Each is a Marine Sanctuary South Misool Island, Sea Island Kofiau, sea Asian Island, Sea Island and Sea Island Honey Ayau.


Raja Ampat as part of the province of West Papua on the island of Papua, rich variety of cultural arts of music, dance and crafts typical of Papua are very exotic. Each tribe scattered in the Raja Ampat islands generally have a dance and procedures of their own customs. The general characteristics of the dance and music of Raja Ampat is a dance movement that is generally displayed with a vibrant and accompanied by percussion instruments typical of Papua named Tifa, gong (mambokon) and drums (bakulu). Besides percussion instruments, stringed instruments such as guitars and wind instruments such as flutes and wind instruments from sea shells are also often used to accompany the dance. Some examples of dances that are often featured in various ceremonies and reception is dance Wor, Main Moun, Batpo Dance, Dance Yako and art Flute drums.
image : People play tifa 

image : people play mambokon

Female dancer costumes used in various typical dances Raja Ampat typically use a blend of bright colors with high contrast such as red, amber, green light and blue light. As for the costumes male dancer generally is shirtless at the top and to cover the waist down normally using costumes typical of Papua who mediami pesisisr beach is clothing of material fiber (fibers), woven coconut leaves or feathers and animal skins depending on the type of dance sung. There are also men who appeared to use cover nakedness that is typical of Papua koteka.Baik male and female dancers will perform complete with accessories and makeup distinctive and exotic that can only be encountered in the traditional art of the island of Papua.

Haven For Animal Rare

Raja Ampat archipelago's natural wealth is not only in water but also on land. Character land where there are no mountains or the mountains that exceed an altitude of 1000 meters, making Raja Ampat forest on land classified as lowland forest. Diversity of wildlife that live in the forests rich at all kind. Preservation of diverse wildlife habitat is protected within the nature reserve. There are 4 nature reserves that exist in the district of Raja Ampat, namely:
1. West Waigeo Island Nature Reserve
2. Western Batanta Island Nature Reserve
3. Preserve North salawati
4. South Misool Island Nature Reserve

Based on the research that has been conducted in the nature reserve area Waigeo West, recorded more than 171 species of birds and 27 species of mammals including bandikut (Echymipera kalubu), kus-kus spotted (Phalanger maculatus), opossums striped (Dactylopsila trivirgata), kalelawar, and the tree shrew Discovered. While the survey in the region of South Misool Nature reserve life of 159 recorded bird species including four species of birds of paradise and 5 species of bats.
In addition, the forests of Raja Ampat is also a haven for many types of rare birds protected conservation. Among these are the parrot white crested (Cacatua galerita), king prawn forest (Halcyon macleayii), julang irian (Aceros plicatus), palm cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), parrots (Eclectus roratus), parrot red black head (Lorius lory), viktoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria), cassowary, bird of paradise (Paradisaea sp.), and maleo (Magrocephalus maleo). (Source: Variety Charm Tourism Raja Ampat, West Papua, 2009).

From various locations over the location Yenwaupnor, Sawinggrai, Yenbeser and Gam Island is relatively easily accessible location to watch the wildlife, especially birds habitat. If you are lucky, you will be able to see for themselves the beauty of the birds that were playing on the white sandy beach or flying and twittering in the trees around you.
The wealth of biological diversity that is stunning both underwater and on land makes the Raja Ampat Islands as a haven of ecotourism activities, both underwater tourism activities and tourism activities on land. Raja Ampat has all its beauty.

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